THURSDAY men only (gay / bi)
13:00 – 21:00
20 euro
FRIDAY men only (gay / bi)
20 euro
13:00 – 17:30
FRIDAYevening mixed hetero and bisexual
19:00 – 1:00, single man access from 20:00
Couple 40 euro, woman 20 euro
Single man 70 euro (limited access max. 10 in total, no groups, selection based on added value for the business)
Drinks not included.
SATURDAYevening mixed hetero and bisexual
19:00 – 1:00, single man access from 20:00
Couple 40 euro, woman 20 euro
Single man 70 euro (limited access max. 10 in total, no groups, selection based on added value for the business)
Drinks not included.
SUNDAY men only (gay / bi)
13:00 – 21:00
20 euro
Price 2 towels included p.p. (1 towel when arriving). Dresscode: towel.
Cash, bancontact, no credit cards. Only Belgian debitcard accepted.
Cosy bar, dance floor, sauna, steambath, jacuzzi, showers, tv, mirror room, private cabines, open cabines, labyrinth, glory holes, andreas cross.